Biden for Maryland

Sign up for the Biden Maryland Campaign Here!

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Why so many Maryland Democrats are for Joe Biden

You don’t have to know Joe Biden to support him. You just have to want a candidate committed to democratic -- and Democratic -- values, who can unite Democrats, defeat Trump, and be a terrific president.

Click here to see the top 10 reasons Marylanders are for Joe.

And click here to see some of the Democratic leaders, from western Maryland to the shore and the Baltimore to the Washington suburbs, who are ridin' with Biden.

Many of us have seen Joe up close and personal.

Erek Barron worked with him to advance criminal justice reform and to protect victims of domestic violence and sexual assault as his Counsel and Policy Advisor in the US Senate and as a member of President Obama’s Transition Team.

And, as US Ambassador to Romania,  Jim worked with him to stop ethnic cleansing and bring peace to the Balkans.

Click here to read Jim’s Baltimore Sun op-ed on his work, as US Ambassador to Romania, with Joe to stop ethnic cleansing and bring peace to the Balkans. 

Ready to join us?

Fill out the form below to help us help Joe send the Donald back to Trump Tower


Senator Jim Rosapepe and Delegate Erek Barron

Biden Campaign Authorized Representatives for Maryland